Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So what's next on the agenda for Wisconsin Beef Commission you may ask? Well, here's what's up. We are still doing some last minute tweaks on the album, but as I may or may not have stated, the recording itself is done. All that's left is making it sound more better, mastering, then off to press. We should have something available for y'all by the end of July.

As far as shows, we went from nothing in the foreseeable future, to booking a slew in the last week. We'll be playing July 28th at The Borg Ward here in Milwaukee as part of a matinee show with bands such as Jones Island Flood, Outside Lions, Drumlins, and Revenge Society. Being that this is at The Borg Ward, I'm assuming this will be all ages. I'll get more details out as I get them.

We'll also be playing another battle of the bands at The Miramar Theater on The Eastside on August 4th. This also will be starting in the afternoon as well, and will presumably be all ages as well.

August 18th we will be heading back to Door County to play at our good friend Early Thomas' place; Sonny's Pizzeria in Fish Creek. Word has it that our bat-shit crazy style went over quite well at Steelbridge Songfest a couple weeks ago, so there MAY be a second show up in that area... rumor has it... maybe...

Also, I got a report from my buddy Joe Papke (formerly of X-Brand out of Sturgeon Bay WI) that WMSE 91.7 played some of our stuff. Now this is amazing, because there has been nothing released from the forthcoming album. The only ones who have access to the recordings are Shane (from Howl Street Recordings), Mike, Dana, and myself. We haven't released ANYTHING as of yet. This means that someone at WMSE lifted audio from our Youtube videos. That's AWESOME that they would go through the work to do that!! Theoretically, this was Milwaukee Rock Posters who were responsible, the group that did a podcast less than a year ago using the same technique.

So yeah, in a nut shell, we'll be playing some more shows for ya soon, and word's getting out about us as well. I have to thank all those who have given us a chance, and helped us form this band that a year ago was just so wild that I had no idea what it would become. We've played with a lot of great bands along the way, and have met some really great people as well. For me, this has been a great chance to get back to doing what I love to do and have been quite unsuccessful with for over a decade, and in new ways.

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