Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So back in October we were talking about the possibility of recording. We wrote all sorts of new material, and at long last, we're heading into the studio on March 1st. Originally we were supposed to start a few weeks ago, but those plans fell through. After a BIGASS pro/con list, and weighing all of our options, we have decided to record at Howl Street Recordings. We've liked the quality of everything we heard come out of that studio.

We'll be doing drum tracks on the first, then I'll be going in to do my bass tracks. We'll be recording our originals that we've been playing for over a year now, like "Shiny Things For Jesus", "OWI", and "Panhandler", plus some new songs like "Beer Ain't Just For Breakfast Anymore", and "Never Gonna Give Up", and one about hunting (Mike writes the lyrics and names them, I can't remember the name of that one).

As stated earlier, I'll be recording the 2 bass sounds separately; the "bass" side, and the "guitar" side which is my bass run through a guitar amp. One major change to the original plan, is that I will be using my new amp for the "guitar" side, which is an Orange Tiny Terror that I just picked up. This is a great sounding class A amp that brings forth every nuance of playing. The bass side will still be done with my Ampeg SVTII and SVT810E. The trick part is to not make the 2 sounds sound so different that they make the live show lacking. Bottom line, we don't want to put out an album that sounds like Emerson, Lake, and Palmer.

The basses that I'll be using will definitely be my P-Basses on the bass side, and possibly my Jazz Bass on the "Guitar" side. I may even try the Jaguar for this. A lot of decisions will be made when the time comes for me to record the final tracks.

Our goal is to have the project buttoned up by the end of spring, by the time we play Steelbridge Song Fest 2012 for sure. More than likely, we'll have the recordings available online first, we're already looking into iTunes, Amazon Download, and LastFM. All-in-all, the recording will be made available on a large scale.