Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh Yeah...

I should probably go a little into detail on the 2/3 of WBC.

First off is Mike. Mike has been drumming for American Radio Police for about 2 years now, and is a virtual energy bomb! He uses a Ludwig kit with a mat blue finish (not wrapped), with Evans Heads. He has various Zildjian cymbals, and uses Tama hardware. His bass pedal is a DW 5000 double bass pedal. He has been using (I Believe) Vader 5B nylon tip sticks.

With Dana, she's been a great friend of Mike's for over a decade. She is one of the first vocalists I've worked with that actually has a mic preferrance, being a Sennheiser e895. I've been a Shure SM58 guy since 1993, so this is a bit odd to me, but whatever works. I've been trying to talk her into the new Line 6 wireless mics, as I've been using their guitar wireless systems without fail for 3 years now, and I've heard nothing but good things about their new mics, plus the capsule can be changed to a Sennheiser. Good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. It should be noted that Dana has switched to a Shure PGX14 Wireless mic.
